

After yesterday, I have settled some of the things that have been bugging me for awhile.
I guess after all, cost played the biggest deciding factor in my decision on where to study.
I guess this has been a recurring pattern since after high school.
Studying accounting in Kampar was after all a choice of cost.
Well that and an added benefit of having my friends with me.

I guess in the next half year I will be an actual student in HELP.
After 2 sittings of ACCA I finally get to have an actual student card once again.
I guess I'm a student now~
Haha.. At least a part-time student.

The haze is really terrible today.
I guess foggy environment is not as much fun as I anticipated.
Especially with the hot whether and the low quality air.
I immediately felt my throat dry up once I stepped out the door.
Hope it rains soon.

Half of the year has almost gone by.
I guess time flies faster when you're working.
I don't remember time moving this fast when I was a kid.

Slow down a bit please.
I haven't accomplished much yet this year.
A mediocre year seems to be imminent.

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